What are fine art prints?

Fine art prints offer the most vivid color and dynamic range possible. Created on a high quality inkjet printer with certified ink, paper and canvas. the colors are fade-proof for 100+ years.


Fine Paper Prints are made on a high quality paper from Breathing Color with 100 years archival certification. This heavy-weight 100% cotton paper has a smooth finish, with an eye-popping color range. Coated with a satin finish UV-resistant varnish. Shipped in a tube, ready to be framed.

I use a Canon IPF 8400, a professional 12 color pigment ink printer. This state of the art printer makes vivid, detailed and long-lasting prints. This means I can match or exceed the colors of my original paintings and never settle for less.

Canvas prints are made on Lyve, a superior canvas from Breathing Color. Finish-coated with Timeless, their UV-resistant archival print varnish, for lasting protection.100+ years archival certification with amazing resolution and dynamic range.

Gallery Wrap means the canvas wraps around the 1.5 inch deep sides, with carefully folded corners. Stretched over a box frame, the canvas is protected and will not easily dent, as with regular canvas stretchers. Limited editions of 50, signed and numbered on reverse side. Handmade in the studio, shipped ready to hang

Larger size custom prints

Both paper and canvas can be made in larger sizes, up to about 4 feet by 6 feet! I am happy to consult with you on the perfect size for your space. All canvas prints are coated with UV-resistant varnish and hand-signed by the artist. Email me here to start your custom order!
